Kalin Karakehayov
Founder at Seo.Domains and Edoms.com
Kalin Karakehayov is one of the founders behind the innovative startup, Edoms, which has quickly risen to prominence as a leading provider of SEO value domains. With over a decade of experience in both the SEO and domain industries, Kalin is recognized as one of the most respected names in the field.Through SEO.DOMAINS, Kalin and his colleagues has made high-quality domains that offer exceptional SEO value accessible to businesses and
individuals. His expertise in identifying domains that can significantly boost search engine rankings has solidified his reputation as a trusted resource in the industry.In summary, Kalin Karakehayov’s contributions to the SEO and domain industries, through Edoms and SEO.DOMAINS, have established him as a respected authority, with a track record of delivering tangible results for the numerous clients seeking to enhance their online presence and drive higher traffic to their websites.