Gary Illyes Answers Questions About Google and SEO

Q&A session with Gary Illyes at SERP Conf. 2024 in Sofia, Bulgaria

During the Spring Edition of SERP Conf. 2024 in Sofia, Bulgaria, Gary Illyes – an Analyst on the Google Search team – joins the international SEO community in a panel discussion about the Future of SEO.

During this Q&A session, Gary Illyes discusses hot topics such as AI-generated content, the importance of links for ranking, and releasing the Search Generative Experience across Europe. As a part of the discussion, he answers questions about Google’s process of indexing or deindexing content, explains how much is too much for your crawl budget, and addresses some heavily discussed black-hat SEO practices.

Check out the topics discussed in this interview:

  • Gary Illyes Answers Questions About Google and SEO @ SERP Conf 2024
  • Is Google planning to release authorship?
  • Will there be organic SEO in five years?
  • Do 301 redirects from one domain to another still work seamlessly?
  • Can “Crawled, currently not indexed” occur when there is a very similar content already indexed on the web?
  • How Google is working to improve the rendering and indexing of JavaScript-heavy sites?
  • Does Google plan to implement a tag for AI-generated content? Does Google have a problem with AI-generated content?
  • What can the smaller brands do to compete with big publishers in the SERPs?
  • When will SGE be released in Europe?
  • Is it still possible to perform negative SEO with spam link building?
  • Google needs very few links to rank pages.
  • How does Google translate and understand a query?
  • How important is the crawl budget when dealing with big websites?
  • What Google plans to do about Parasite SEO?
  • What would be the changes around the Gemini?

Final price



Full event access / 30th Oct.
Lunch, coffee & refreshments

Final price



Full event access / 30th Oct.
Lunch, coffee & refreshments

from 1 May to 31 Aug.


VIP dinner with speakers / 29th Oct.
Full event access / 30th Oct.
Lunch, coffee & refreshments

from 1 May to 29 Oct.